7 signs that your baby is feeding well

You may be wondering if your baby is feeding well. Unlike bottle-feeding moms, breastfeeding moms can’t measure the amount of milk their babies drink. As a result, one of the most common reasons for stopping breastfeeding is mothers’ concern that their baby don’t have enough breast milk.

Here’s 7 signs that will help you know your baby is feeding well:

  1. His mouth is wide open, his chin is touching your breast.
  2. His cheeks are full
  3. His jaw is moving like he is biting – not sucking
  4. He starts with short, frequent sucks then gradually changes to long, deep sucks
  5. You will hear him swallow
  6. After the first few days he has around six wet diapers a day
  7. He is alert when awake

Moreover, while some babies will take both breasts at a feed when feeding others prefer to take a little break between breasts. If you see these signs you may let your baby take the lead and decide when he has had enough.

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