Breastfeeding two week old baby

Breastfeeding a two week old will still be tricky. You may still not know when to nurse him. That’s perfectly normal. You’re still getting to know each other.

Moreover, you can nurse him for all sorts of reasons. You can breastfeed to settle him or to simply to finish watching the final scene of that romantic comedy! Those are all perfectly good reasons!

And as weeks go by, your breasts may start to feel softer. This is not a sign of low milk supply. On the contrary, it’s because your breasts are getting more efficient at releasing milk. As long as your baby is gaining well and filling enough diapers, you have nothing to worry about.

Here’s 3 things to keep in mind:

  1. Nurse on! The more you nurse the more milk you will produce. It’s really that simple.
  2. It is tempting to start counting calories to lose the baby weight. But don’t worry, if you eat well and trust the process you will start shedding those extra weight in no time.
  3. Putting your baby to breast when he cries will not spoil him.

2 simple things that will help you build your milk supply:

1. Eat well

Although there are a lot of conflicting information about what you can or cannot eat while breastfeeding it’s actually not that complicated. Breastmilk doesn’t change with what you eat. No matter what your diet contains it will contain vital nutrients, immunity building cells and stem cells, food for healthy gut bacteria and many other health factors that cannot be replicated.

According to Womanly Art of Breastfeeding there is no particular food that you must eat, especially if it is something that you don’t like. So, just make sure you eat a varied diet with enough calories to support one of the most demanding jobs you will ever have. And you will be fine.

2. Nurse on demad

Oatmeals and lactation cookies are great but actually all you need to do to build your milk supply is to watch your baby. Milk supply is driven by supply and demand. The more you nurse, the more milk our body makes. It’s really that simple. So please, don’t feed on schedule especially in the first few months. And watch your baby to learn his hunger cues.

Don’t forget, crying is a late indicator of hunger.

Finally, one thing you will not need, contrary to all the advice!

Top up formula!

Here’s why.

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