How to breastfeed six week old baby

By now, if you’re breastfeeding a six week old baby it’s safe to say sleepy times are mostly over for both of you! Your baby has woken up to the world.

Moreover, although you are still tired most of the time you will probably feel much more confident! You may even start giving tips and suggestions to other newbie mamas.

Fussiness starts to peak around six to eight weeks. So, you may end up cluster feeding, especially in the evenings. If you find yourself in one of those days, a long walk in the fresh air with your baby could do you both wonders. Babies love to nap while being worn or out on a walk. The fresh air seems to lull them to sleep.

Here’s few things to keep in mind while breastfeeding your six week old baby:

  1. Breastfed or formula fed, during their first few months, many babies have a regular fussy period. It will usually occur in the late afternoon or evening.
  2. You can’t hold a baby too much. So, feel free to quote science to friend or family member who scolds you “for spoiling” your baby by holding him/her too often.
  3. Low milk supply is very very rare!

How to hit the road and enjoy a walk with your baby:

1. Leave the stroller for grandparents and wear your baby

Wearing your baby with a ring sling or a simple wrap will help him settle down much faster. Plus people won’t touch your baby (as much).

2. Cut your cords and just keep walking

After cocooning for weeks it may seem like a daunting task to leave home. But you can do this! Take your keys, phone and your baby. And while you’re out and about you may enjoy these podcasts:

Finally one thing you will not need to soothe a fussy baby, contrary to all the advice!


Here’s why

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