How to breastfeed four to nine month old baby

If you’re breastfeeding a four month old, you can proudly say that you’ve mastered the art of breastfeeding. Your baby is now proficient in nursing. And you are probably used to getting things done with one hand.

Your baby is now more active during nursing and his little hands may begin to wonder around your face and body. This is the perfect time to introduce a breastfeeding toy. A simple piece of might save your breasts and sanity before he becomes a twiddler.

What is a twiddler, you might ask.

A twiddler a baby or toddler who twists, pulls and maybe pinches the opposite nipple they’re nursing. Here’s more info on how to manage a twiddler.

Here’s few things to keep in mind, during this phase:

  1. Teething is now part of your life until he is 25 – 33 months. Take a deep breath and accept it.
  2. Don’t obsess over developmental milestones. In fact, they are not particularly effective way to diagnose cognitive growth.
  3. Growth charts show how big most babies are. Not how big a particular baby should be.

On the other hand, you will probably start thinking about introducing solids around 6 months.

How to introduce solids to your baby:

1. Get a good, sturdy high chair:

This chair will be one of the longest standing investments you will make for your baby. Make sure it will stand the test of time. It will face many toddler tantrums and many food fights. Think ahead while buying.

2. And let you baby lead the way!

Introducing solids is not as complicated as some make it seem to be. Here’s couple of books to help you get comfortable.

Moreover, here’s a wonderful Facebook community to join..

Finally one thing you will not need, contrary to all the advice!

Baby food maker! The pure machine, baby cook, blender whatever you call it. Instead, go ahead and spend that money buying yourself a great slow cooker that the whole family can enjoy!

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