How to survive cluster feeding

If you feel like you’re in a nursing marathon where your little one baby won’t stop nursing, you may be experiencing your first cluster feeding. Congratulations!

Hold on tight to that remote control and enjoy the ride. This is perfectly normal and there’s nothing wrong with your milk supply.

On the contrary cluster feeding is a smart way for your baby to boost your milk supply during growth spurts.  

You will soon grow accustomed to these days and maybe even enjoy the highly valid excuse of not getting out of the bed or couch. 

Here’s few things to keep in mind during this phase:

1. Crying is a late indicator of hunger, watch and learn your babies signals. 

2. Keep your eye on the number of dirty diapers not the clock.

3. If your baby routinely falls asleep at the breast and isn’t gaining well, consult your lactation consultant.

Here’s few things that will help you keep your head up high:

1. Get ready to sit and nurse! 

You will nurse often and probably for long intervals. So find a comfy corner, prepare a basket with snacks, water bottle, nipple cream and books, TV remote or anything you might need to keep you going.

2.Outsource or minimize your workload

Plan ahead for these days and find ways to outsource or minimise your everyday work. Order online, get someone to clean for you.  

And bonus

3. Relax and lean back

Laid back nursing with its simplicity can ensure a good latch and the comfort you need to keep going. Some may say it is the coolest thing since sliced bread! Since the baby latches on your tummy it is easier on your back and doesn’t require big breastfeeding pillows. Here’s a quick guide to master it in no time.

Finally, one thing you will not need, contrary to all the advice! 

Top up formula!

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