Benefits of Breast milk

Simply put breastmilk is more than just a meal, it’s liquid gold. The benefits of breastmilk goes beyond good nutrition.

Here are simple list of benefits that will help you keep going one more day:

First feed: Breastfeeding will help your baby stabilise his blood sugar and will establish his gut microbiome. Human milk is the gold standard for infant nutrition as it contains multiple biologically active components, including immune factors, lipids, oligosaccharides, microRNAs and hormones among others.

Day 1: The antibodies will provide natural immunity from infections. Although most of the immunologic benefit cited by researchers relates to protection from diarrheal diseases breastfeeding also protects infants against extraintestinal infections and respiratory diseases.

Day 2 – 3: Breastmilk helps clear the sticky black mecanium from baby’s bowel more readily.

1 Week: Frequent feeds help mom and baby get to know each other and help babies transition to the outside world. 

2 Weeks: The protein in breastmilk is much easier to digest than the protein in formula. So, your baby is less likely to develop digestive problems, such as gassiness, rashes, and colic.

4 Weeks: Lowers the risk of serious bowel disease.

6 weeks: Babies who are breastfed have a 36% lower risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) which peaks at 2-4 months of age.

2 Months: Two months of breastfeeding, reduces the risk for food allergies.

3 months: Three months of breastfeeding, reduces the chance of developing eczema and asthma. The evidence now suggests that any duration of breastfeeding is protective against wheezing in the first 2 years of life. Moreover there is evidence that longer duration of any breastfeeding protects against asthma even after 5 years of age. 

4 months: Breastfeeding may reduce mom’s risk of type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular disease.

5 months: Breastfeed babies often develop motor skills at an earlier age. They will also be less likely to have emotional and behavioural problems.

6 months: Breastfeeding exclusively for six months lowers your baby’s risk for ear, nose, throat and sinus infections past infancy.

9 months: Studies show that children who breastfeed have higher IQs and do better in school. In a way, breastmilk helps with brain development in ways that formula cannot. For instance, one study found that 7- and 8-year-old children who were fed breastmilk for at least 9 months had an IQ that was 10 points higher than their formula-fed peers.

1 Year Breastfeeding can help prevent the need for speech therapy or orthodontia in the future. Therefore you’re likely to save over $800 on the low end to upwards of $3,000 compared formula. 

2 Years Breastmilk will continue to enhance your toddler’s immune system. As a result, he will be less prone to colds, ear infections, allergies and other common ailments. Further more, there is extensive research has shown the greatest gains for those children breastfed the longest.

So it is safe to say breastmilk is suited uniquely to your baby’s needs. Although baby formula manufacturers try to copy the benefits breastmilk as closely as they can, formula won’t ever be exactly the same as breastmilk.

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