Breastfeeding resources

Simply put, internet is a scary place. Well intended information mostly gets lost in a sea of misinformation, conflicting advice and sales pitches. Moreover, there are not a lot of breastfeeding friendly breastfeeding resources. And unfortunately, you never know who is behind that comment in the popular forums. 

So before you venture out in the the depths of Google; few things to keep in mind

1. Not all advice is well intended.

2. Returning to basics (proper latch, positioning) is often the only thing you will need.

3. When in doubt get help from a certified lactation consultant. A good lactation consultant  knows that breastfeeding issues are often more complex. So, she will take the time to figure out the root cause. Find them here or here

Reliable resources that will help you keep going:

  1. La Leche League

This is a non-governmental, nonprofit organisation. Moreover it is present in about 89 countries. You can find in-depth information or search for local groups and certified consultants.

  1. Kellymom 

This is by far the most extensive list of articles you can find on breastfeeding. Moreover the articles are truly informative with a long list of sources at the end of every page. 

  1. Ask Dr Sears

This is a breastfeeding friendly place where you can quote actual doctors if you need a strong accomplice. 

  1. Breastfeeding Basics

This website is owned and managed by Anne Smith IBCLC. Here you can find basic breastfeeding tips and how to solve common breastfeeding problems. As the mother of six wonderful breastfed children, four perfect breastfeed grand babies, and an IBCLC you can trust her advice and outlook on problems you may have. 

  1. The LactMed® database 

This website contains information on drugs and other chemicals to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed. Whenever in doubt, go directly to the source and check your medication here. 

6. Birth Injury Center

When things don’t start off as planned and if your baby suffers an injury before or during their birth, it’s important to know everything you can about birth injuries.

And one thing you will not need: 

Any website owned or sponsored by a formula company.

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