Give water between scheduled feedings

You may have been advised to have scheduled feedings and to give water or tea between feeds. And if your baby is colicky, you might have been advised to give chamomile tea might to aid digestion and soothe their stomach.

Unfortunately this advice is an outdated one and is also based on formula fed babies. Unlike formula which requires three or four hours between feeds, breastmilk is designed to be digested easily and quickly.

Breastfeeds babies don’t need to have a set feeding schedule. And most young babies need fairly frequent feeds.

More importantly research now shows that a rigid feeding schedule will often lead to low supply. Restricting the amount of time at the breast and extending the time between feedings can reduce your milk supply and the fat content of your milk.

On the other hand babies that appear to be colicky may actually have problems latching onto the breast. A shallow latch can lead to babies taking in a lot of air which then causes discomfort. Make sure you have a good latch and a comfortable positioning instead of forcing scheduled feedings.

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