Sleep to increase your milk supply

Many paediatricians and experts on childcare recommend letting the baby’s daddy give a bottle while you get some extra sleep to increase your milk supply. It may also be encouraged as a bonding opportunity for the dad.

This may sound logical and a much needed solution.

But in fact, it could be risky advice. A full night’s rest will surely provide much needed energy but research shows that number one reason for low milk supply is not breastfeeding often enough. Milk supply is based on supply and demand. In other words the more you nurse, the more milk your breasts will make. Skipping a feed will signal your body to produce less milk. This is especially important in the early days when your body is still building your milk supply.

Moreover skipping a feed and sleeping on your breasts will also increase your chances of getting plugged ducts or even mastitis.

So what can you do?

You can try biological nurturing position to get much needed rest while you’re nursing. And yes, to get the rest you need to increase your milk supply you should sleep when the baby sleeps!

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