3 things to establish a good start to breastfeeding

The first few hours after birth is essential for establishing a good start to breastfeeding. There will probably be a lot going on around you and you may feel like you’re not running the show.

But there are things you can do without interfering the needed procedures. Here’s 3 simple things to keep in mind to have the best possible start to breastfeeding:

  1. As soon as your baby enters this world, put him on your chest, skin-to-skin, nothing in between. Cuddle and caress your baby. Your midwife or doctor can dry him off while he is in your arms.
  2. Lay down, relax and wait for him to show signs of hunger. Don’t wait for anyone to tell you when to start feeding – let him lead the way.
  3. Once you see signs of hunger, ideally, he will attach to your breast and begin to nurse and remove colostrum without assistance, you may only need to hold him to ensure the latch stays strong.

And you should also know that many hospitals and birthing centers now encourage medical caregivers to conduct the first physical assessment of the baby while it is on the mother’s chest. Research recommends conventional procedures such as weighing, measuring, bathing, injections or blood test to wait until after the first feeding.

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