Bottle feeding is a great way to promote a bond

Bottle feeding is often encouraged to promote bonding with the baby. As a first time mom, you may get this advice or you might be worried that your husband will feel left out if you exclusively breastfeed.

Contrary to common belief, suggesting to promote a bond with a bottle; there is no clear evidence that feeding is a bonding act. But there’s ample evidence that skin to skin promotes a strong bond.

Skin to skin increases oxytocin levels. As a result it enables nurturing and affectionate behaviours towards the baby. Dads who often do skin to skin become more intune with their baby. And in the long term this synchronicity will become a stronger bond.

Moreover this simple action also enhances immune system. Studies show that mature immune system passes antibodies through his skin to baby. Being on dad’s skin also increases baby’s skin hydration, which provides a protective barrier from harmful bacteria entering baby’s skin.

Make sure that dad gets that crucial skin to skin contact as soon after birth as you can. This simple act can help your baby hear his heartbeat and learn his smell, just like he would do with you.

And next time daddy wants to bond, instead of reaching for a bottle tell him to take his shirt off and start cuddling. 

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