How to breastfeed a toddler

You might be wondering if breastfeeding a toddler is ok? Or you may simply start to doubt yourself with judgemental comments and advice on weaning.

You will most often hear them say;

““Once they can ask for it, they should no longer get it.”

So first things first, it is perfectly normal to nurse beyond eighteen months! Actually there are many good benefits in doing so… For instance, according to studies, even though the amount of milk your child takes may be less, the level of antibodies and immune factors increases.

Moreover if you want to continue breastfeeding beyond one year, you should know that – even though you don’t see it out and about – you are in quite a good company. There are plenty of moms who enjoy this time with their little ones and have no set deadline for stopping.

Here’s a few things to keep in mind during during this phase:

1. The toddler brain is going through a time of rapid growth. Studies prove that there’s no other “drink” can provide the stimulation for the human brain as the interaction of a nursing can.

2. Young children lack mature digestive systems. So, breastfeeding is a great support and keeps them well fed during any illnesses. 

3. Nursing makes bedtime easier.

On the other hand breastfeeding a toddler is by no means a magic solution. So, it won’t ward off tantrums, whining and meltdowns you will have along the way. But it definitely gives you a powerful bonding experience when they need to wind down.

Here’s a couple of things that will also help you master toddlerhood a little easier:

1. Learn how to talk to your kid

Start planning ahead and instead of being reactive on the fly be intentional and make conscious decisions based on principles you’ve thought about. For instance, these books may well inspire you:

And try the The Happy Child – Parenting App. It grants you access to cutting-edge research and tips that will help you raise a happy, well-adjusted child. Years of ground-breaking research and findings in Psychology, Neuroscience and Pediatrics have been curated into one easy-to-use app… for free (no in-app-purchases)!

2. Build your tribe

Motherhood was never meant to be done alone! So, find mothers like you who are breastfeeding similar ages. It will help you keep going. Find them on Facebook or talk to your LLL contact.

And one thing you shouldn’t do:

Above all, what ever you do, don’t give in to criticism! Do what works for you…

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