Don’t hold your baby too much

As a first time mom you will often receive words of wisdom from experienced mamas to not spoil your baby. “Don’t hold him too much, put him in his crib” they will say. And may also continue with another warning; “don’t become his pacifier”.

Let’s start with the fact that newborns cry because they have basic needs.

And actually, it is quite the opposite. Studies have shown that nursing and holding not only doesn’t “spoil” them but actually acts as a stress reliever. And a recent review concluded that skin-to-skin contact dramatically increases newborn weight gain. According to the review “When babies are warm, they don’t need to use their energy to regulate their body temperature. They can use that energy to grow instead.”

Moreover, holding and being close to your baby is also great for your milk supply. The more you hold your baby the better you will get in reading his hunger cues. And as a result, your milk supply will easily adjust to his growth spurts and changes.

So don’t worry about spoiling your baby and just enjoy the cuddles as long as you can.

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