How to breastfeed a newborn

Learning how to breastfeed a newborn can be challenging. Although breastfeeding is natural, it doesn’t always come naturally. Moreover, the first couple of days will truly be exhausting and overwhelming.

But that’s ok. You can do this! Soon things will find its place and you will master your own motherhood journey. 

Until then; here’s 3 things to keep in mind

1. Breastfed babies feed a lot! There’s no such a thing as feeding at regular intervals.

2. You can’t hold a baby too much. Feel free to quote science when someone scolds you “for spoiling” your newborn baby.

3. Low milk supply is very very rare!

3 simple tips that will help breastfeeding a newborn a little easier:

1. Get ready to sit and nurse! 

Breastfeeding will take most of your time. You will breastfeed often and for probably for long intervals. So, find a comfy corner, prepare a basket with anything you might need to keep you going. Snacks, water bottle, nipple cream and books, TV remote…

2. Outsource or minimize your workload

The first couple of weeks are best to establish a strong breastfeeding rhythm and to recover from birth. So get rid of the temptation to tidy up, clean, cook and just bond with your baby.

3.  Find a lactation consultant before you need it: 

You may need to do a couple of trouble shooting here and there, perhaps to improve the latch or to diagnose a tongue tie. So even before you give birth, find a lactation consultant near you or one who is willing to do an online consultation and introduce yourself. You won’t regret it.

Finally, one thing you will not need, to breastfeed a newborn, contrary to all the advice! 

Breastfeeding pillow: No, none, nada. 

Here’s why.

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