How to boost your milk supply

Not having enough milk supply is the number one concern of all breastfeeding moms. It’s the first thing that comes to mind without a clear idea of how long a healthy baby can go between feedings.

Moreover the abundance of websites, videos and products on ways to boost your supply is probably making it sound like low milk supply is a common issue.

But actually, It’s not. In fact, according to research low milk supply is very very rare!

Here’s 3 things to keep in mind about milk supply:

  1. Your milk supply is based on supply and demand. In other words, the more your baby nurses, the more milk you’ll produce.
  2. The more you relax and rest the more power your body has to produce milk.
  3. Make sure you have a good latch. Consult an expert if you have any doubts. 

Here’s 3 things you need to do to boost your milk supply:

  1. Effective latch

A baby who isn’t deeply attached at the breast may not be able to ”empty” your breasts effectively. As a result, signal your breasts to produce less milk.

2. Nurse on demand

Increase your milk supply simply by nursing as much as your baby wants. So make sure you’re breastfeeding at the first signs of hunger (stirring, rooting, hands in mouth). Don’t wait until baby is crying. 

3. Eat better

Eating better doesn’t mean you have to eat tons of lactation cookies. (Although if you want, there’s no better excuse to do so!) Just make sure to drink liquids to thirst and eat a reasonably well-balanced diet.

Finally, one thing you will not need, contrary to all the advice! 

Top up formula!

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