You don’t have enough milk supply

You might be concerned that you’re not making enough milk for your baby. Countless articles on ways to increase your milk supply will also easily shake your confidence.

You may be feeding frequently or your baby may be particularly fussy in general. Either way, the minute you start googling anything related to breastfeeding you will instantly be surrounded with advice on milk supply.

First of all, research shows that it’s highly unlikely that your breasts are not producing enough milk. And in fact, most women make one-third more breast milk than their babies typically drink.

Breastfed babies tend to feed more often . But babies like to nurse for all sorts of perfectly good reasons such as warmth and comfort.

However, if your baby is not gaining well and he is fussy, you may be struggling to get a proper latch or you may be missing your babies hunger cues. In that case you should immediately consult an expert. 

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